Elementary Guidance

8 years ago

Welcome to the DASD Elementary Guidance Website!!!!
Meet your Counselors!

Ms. Stephanie Errigo
Juniata Elementary
248 Juniata Street
DuBois, PA 15801(814) 371-1090

Ms. Rachael Gies
Oklahoma Elementary
1032 Chestnut Ave.

DuBois, PA 15801(814) 371-3660
Penfield Elementary
201 Hoovertown Rd.
Penfield, PA 15849(814) 637-5652

Mrs. Tanya Quairiere
C.G. Johnson Elementary
923 Jackson Street
Reynoldsville, PA 15851(814) 653-8254

Luthersburg Elementary
2672 Helvetia Rd.
Luthersburg, PA 15848(814) 583-5544

Mrs. Janet Zimmerman
Wasson Elementary
300 Wasson Avenue
DuBois, PA 15801(814) 371-6171
Sykesville Elementary
1100 Sykesville School Rd.
Reynoldsville, PA 15851(814) 894-2484

Dear Families & Friends,

It is our wish for all of you to explore our website to find new and useful ways to help your child be the best he/she can be!  Our website is a continuing work in progress, so keep coming back to see what exciting things we've added. As school counselors in your child's school, it is our job to support your child and help him/her to be successful in the academic setting. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or concerns.  

When home and school work together, we can accomplish so much more!

Thanks & Happy Exploring!

       Stephanie         Janet        Rachael        Tanya


"Children should be seen, heard, and BELIEVED."



Child Study Process

8 years ago

Elementary Student Assistance Program-E.S.A.P.




The E.S.A.P. team consists of the school nurse, school counselor, teachers, administration, and ESAP behavioral health liaison.


What is E.S.A.P.?

A team of staff that are put together to help students with any problems they are encountering that is affecting their academic progress

These problems could be:




Recommendations are made by the team to the family of the student.




How E.S.A.P. happens? 


·      Referrals are made to the E.S.A.P. team

·      The referral is discussed by the team

·      The students teachers are asked to fill out checklists

·      After all information is gathered, the parents are contacted.

o  Information is gathered from the parents

o  Team recommendations are given to the parents

o  Parents/guardians decide whether to continue with E.S.A.P

·      Students that voluntarily participate in E.S.A.P. are continued to be monitored throughout the school year.



Who can make a referral to the E.S.A.P. team?


All referrals are looked at and discussed by the team



How do I make a referral?

Call the school counselor

Fill out a referral form and turn it into the office

Contact any team member


Helpful Links:


PA Official SAP website


Child Study Process

8 years ago

If a classroom teacher notices that a student is having difficulty in the classroom due to academic (reading, math or writing), behavioral problems, or some other difficulty, she/he will try various interventions to assist the child. Often these interventions result in the student becoming more successful in school. The parents will be kept informed of the child's progress. If these procedures are not successful, the teacher may talk with the school counselor to determine if a Child Study Meeting would be appropriate. 
During the Child Study Meeting, team members will:
Share background information on the identified student
Identify problem area(s)
Brainstorm strategies that will assist the student
Define reasonable, measurable goals for the student
Identify team members who will assist student in reaching the goals
Determine if the goals have been set or if further intervention is necessary


Child Study Team Members:
Classroom teacher(s)

School Counselor

School Psychologist


Other professionals may be invited if the child receives services, or may help in the process:
                    Reading support teacher

Speech Therapist

School Nurse

Special Education Supervisor
Outside Agency Personnel
If you feel your child is struggling in school, contact your
 child's teacher or counselor to discuss if the
child study process may be beneficial for him/her

Let's Talk About Bullying

8 years ago

Effects of Cyberbullying:

Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites.

Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles.

Effects of Cyberbullying: 

Cell phones and computers themselves are not to blame for cyberbullying. Social media sites can be used for positive activities, like connecting kids with friends and family, helping students with school, and for entertainment. But these tools can also be used to hurt other people. Whether done in person or through technology, the effects of bullying are similar.


Kids who are cyberbullied are more likely to:

*Skip school

*Use Drugs & Alcohol                                                                

*Experience in-person bullying

*Be unwilling to attend school

*Receive poor grades

*Have lower self-esteem

*Have more health problems


What can you do to prevent Cyberbullying?

*Establish Rules about Technology Use : Together, you & your child can explore safe ways to use technology.  Be clear about what sites your child is allowed to visit and show them how to be safe on-line.  Tell them not to share anything that could hurt or embarrass themselves or others.  Make sure they know not to share their passwords with anyone but you!

* Be Aware of What Your Kids are Doing OnlineSupervise computer & electronic device usage as much as possible.  Check to make sure your children are following your rules about technology.  Set parental controls/monitoring on devices so your children are unable to visit inappropriate sites.   Make sure to get all your child’s passwords so you are able to get on the sites and monitor what they are doing closely.

*Understand School Rules: Be sure to become familiar with the schools policy on Bullying/CyberBullying and talk to your child about it. 


Want more information on Cyberbullying? Check out the website: stopbullying.gov
Together we can get RID of Bullying!!!

Let's Talk About Bullying

8 years ago


Facts About Bullying

At our schools, it is our goal to get RID of bullying.

So what is bullying?  In order for a problem to be considered bullying, it must meet these conditions:
1. R epeated…bullying happens over and over, not just once.
2. I mbalance of Power…the bully has some sort of control over the victim.  The child that bullies may be stronger, more popular or hold power over the person who is bullied.
3. D eliberate…bullying is no accident.  It happens on purpose.

What can parents do when bullying occurs?

All children have a right to come to school and be safe.  The best way to help your child is to talk, talk, talk!  Talk to your child about bullying and help them understand the difference between an isolated problem and actual bullying.  Start by reviewing the following suggestions with your child if he/she is being bullied:

  • Don’t fight back…that can be dangerous

  • Stick to the buddy system…having a friend close by is helpful.  Stay alert when a bully is near.

  • Try to ignore the bully.  Talking back can sometimes create more conflict.  Walk away.

  • Don’t spread rumors about others.  It is not wise to even repeat unkind words said about others.

  • Don’t believe the negative things a bully says. 

  • Work at appearing more confident…stand tall, look the bully in the eye, talk with a firm voice.  When you look more confident, you’ll start to feel more confident.

  • Tell an adult…a teacher, parent, counselor, principal, or bus driver. 


Let’s talk about BYSTANDERS.

If your child sees someone being bullied, talk to them about what they can do to be a helpful bystander.  Helpful bystanders should:

  • Include the child being bullied in an activity.  Invite the victim to play at recess or sit with you on the bus or at lunch.

  • Be a good helper by talking and listening.

  • Stick up for the victim. Show your support by saying something to the bully or by telling an adult.

  • Don’t laugh at the bully or victim.  Communicate with your child that if he/she cheers on, laughs at or encourages a bully, he/she becomes a bully too.

  • Encourage your child to follow The Golden Rule…Treat Others the Way You Want to be Treated.

 Empower your child to BELIEVE he/she can help take a stand against bullying!

For more information, please click on additional bullying resources:

National Homeless Awareness Week

8 years ago

 2014 National Homeless Awareness Week

4 National Homeless Awareness Week

Thank you for participating in this years Homeless Awareness Week activities! :)

Did you know…

  • about 1 in 50 children experiences homelessness in America each year?

~   the average age of a homeless person is 9-years-old?

  • homeless families make up about 32% of the overall homeless population?
  • that each night, there are approximately 3.5 million homeless people in the United States?


  • 1.35 million of the homeless population are children from birth to 18 years of age?


J  Show your support for those less fortunate by wearing a

blue shirt on Wednesday, November 26, 2014 J


National No Name Calling Week

8 years ago

All the elementary schools in the DuBois Area School District will be celebrating NO NAME CALLING WEEK.  We will be joining schools across the nation to celebrate the importance of being kind and putting an end to bullying. You can help your child participate in our fun activities by reminding them of our special theme days listed below.




Tuesday, January 19, 2016...GIDDY UP for Kindness!  This is the day to wear your best western wear.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016...Being a good friend is no sweat!  Today is the day to wear your favorite sweats!


Thursday, January 21, 2016..." have the POWER to be bully free! Wear super hero clothing to celebrate a life free of bullies.


Friday, January 22, 2016...Team up for kindness!  Wear your favorite sports team clothing today.




Parents Guide to Career Exploration

8 years ago

Career Exploration 

Explore the Unknown!!!

What do you want to be when you grow up


It is never to early to start thinking about career choices. There are so many jobs out there and with a little research you are bound to find somthing that is right for you. Work can be fun all you have to do is find out what you like to do and work hard at it.



Don't Wait - Start Preparing Today!


It is never to early to start working toward a career. Follow the links below to discover more about your personality and hidden talents:


Big 5 Personality Quiz

Career Quiz/Interest Survey

Work Interest Quiz


The links below will help you research and learn what types of careers are right for you:


Career Games

Careers in Science

Career Zone

CIA Kids Page

Earth Science Careers

Health Science Careers

Human Service Careers

Kids Work - Explore Jobs in Your Community

NASA Kids - Careers in Aerospace

Want to be a Scientist

What interests you

Work on the Wildside - Wildlife and Enviroment

Your Neighborhood Workers

Zoological Park


Follow the links below for Career Coloring pages:


Career Coloring Pages

My Occupations Coloring Book



8 years ago



When schools, communities, agencies, & families work together,

we really can keep our children safe!


Once per school year, an educator from PASSAGES, Inc. presents a program to all children in the DuBois Area School District.  For children in Kindergarten through forth grade, the program focuses on safe and unsafe touches.  Children are taught "The Touching Rule" which is defined as Another person should never touch the private parts of our bodies except to keep us clean and healthy.  Children learn that private parts are simply the parts of our body that are covered by our swim suits.  If someone breaks the touching rule, children should say "no," run away, and tell a grown up.  Various age appropriate media forms such as puppets, picture cards and videos are used to help children understand the importance of these concepts.


PASSAGES, Inc. also offers an internet safety program for students in grades 4 and 5.  This program helps children be aware of the dangers of using the internet.  On-line safety tips are explored and children are warned about giving out personal information when using the internet.


For students in 5th grade, the topic of peer sexual harassment is defined as Any unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature that makes us feel uncomfortable and may interfere with our ability to learn at school.  Students discover that the 4 types of sexual harassment are physical, verbal, written and visual.  Along with these types of harassment, students learn what they should and should not do if they are being harassed.  Differences between teasing, joking and bullying are explored through the use of examples. Finally, the consequences of engaging in sexual harassment in the school setting are discussed.





     Begin talking about safety at an early age.  Just as we teach our children to look both ways before crossing the street and to wear a helmet when riding a bike, we also need to teach children rules about personal body safety.  Talk openly and honestly with your child and make sure they know they can talk to you about anything.   


      Make it a special point to:

      ~ Talk about the names for private body parts.  This allows children to have the  

         "language" to talk about sexual abuse. 

      ~ Take the time to listen carefully to your child and show that you are open to 

          whatever he or she wants to share.

      ~ Repeat "The Touching Rule" over and over.  Don't make it a "one time only" 



      Make sure your child knows:

                * Most touching is safe.  Some touching is UNSAFE.

                * It is NOT their fault if someone touches their private body parts.

                * Children should NEVER keep secrets about touching.

                * It is never to late to tell.  Children should keep telling until someone

                   believes them.



More information about indicators of sexual abuse & what to do if your child has been abused is available by contacting PASSAGES, Inc.




PASSAGES Inc. also provides FREE and CONFIDENTIAL services to victims and survivors of sexual violence. Services are also available for friends and family members.  Services provided include:

     ~ 24 Hour CRISIS Hotline...1-800-793-3620

     ~ Individual and group counseling

     ~ Medical accompaniment

     ~ Legal advocacy through the entire legal process

     ~ Volunteer training

     ~ Information and referral

     ~ Professional in-service training




If you would like more information, contact  PASSAGES, Inc. at

90 Beaver Drive

Suite 212 D

DuBois, PA 15801









Red Ribbon/Bullying Prevention Week 2014

8 years ago

It is a way for students to unite and take a visible stand against substance abuse.  Students show their personal commitment to a drug-free lifestyle through the symbol of the Red Ribbon. 
Red Ribbon/Bullying Prevention Week will be celebrated this year on
October 27th - October 31st
Our theme this year is:
 "Don't get caught in the web of drugs!"  

This week students in the DuBois Area Elementary Schools will join children across the nation in taking part in Red Ribbon Week/Bullying Prevention Week activities.
Here is how we are celebrating....
Monday, Oct. 27...RED DAY! Everyone is invited to wear red today. Bracelets will be distributed to all students and staff. Everyone is asked to wear their "DON'T GET CAUGHT IN THE WEB OF DRUGS!" bracelet all week as we celebrate. 
Tuesday, Oct. 28...WE CAN BE BULLY FREE! Everyone who can is asked to donate a canned food item for our local food pantry.
Wednesday, Oct. 29...DON'T BE TRICKED...DRUGS KEEP YOU OUT OF THE GAME! Wear your favorite sports team clothing today.
Thursday, Oct. 30...LIVING BULLY FREE IS NO SWEAT! Wear your favorite pair of sweats to school today.
Friday, Oct. 31...SAY BOO TO DRUGS! Wear your favorite pair of "BOO" (blue) jeans to support our bully free schools! 


We hope that you will join us in celebrating! :)  
FACT: The number one reason kids give for not using drugs is their parents!
However, 40% of parents believe they have little influence  on their children's drug use. 
Parents please talk to your children about drug abuse!

Teacher Guide to Career Exploration

8 years ago

Career Exploration 


It is important for career development to begin early in life. Career development and employment skills are learned behavior and teachers can incorporate career lessons into their daily learning. A career focus can be fun, rewarding, and is imperative if our students are going to become the professionals of tomorrow. Take a look at the shortage of educated people needed in the workplace now.


Discussions and sharing of people in the news, in history, on TV and in the movies can be excellent ways to put careers in your classroom. By the way, what was Walt Disneys' career?

Reading books and watching videos are prime times for career awareness activities. What did Charlotte's owner do for his/her livelihood? What would be good careers for Harry Potter? Got the idea?

Workplace skills are taught in the classroom daily. Instead of disguising them as classroom procedures, rules, behaviors and the like, teachers need to dress them up as workplace skills. Following are some examples of easy ways to do this:

Many teachers use weekly job contracts with their students. Why not design these contracts so that students can earn some type of "promotion or commission" for 6 straight weeks of completion. Time management, quality, completeness, dependability, etc. are all a part of this interaction.

Employee evaluations from local business can be used or adapted to use in the classroom. This is a great addition to the "report card" and for parent conferences. Workplace skills such as time management, quality, cooperation, completeness, dependability, etc can be rated in this manner. Make sure the information is presented in the context of workplace skills not just classroom manner.

Career Education Resources:



Unity Day

8 years ago

  DuBois Area Elementary Schools

Bullying Prevention Month Activities

Unity Day 2014

What are your true colors when it comes to showing

your support for students who are bullied? Show those

being bullied that they are not alone, that you care, and

lead the movement against bullying.


Make it ORANGE and make it end!

Unite against bullying!


Thank you for joining us

in WEARING ORANGE on Unity Day

October 22, 2014