Let's Talk About Bullying
Facts About Bullying
At our schools, it is our goal to get RID of bullying.
What can parents do when bullying occurs?
All children have a right to come to school and be safe. The best way to help your child is to talk, talk, talk! Talk to your child about bullying and help them understand the difference between an isolated problem and actual bullying. Start by reviewing the following suggestions with your child if he/she is being bullied:
Don’t fight back…that can be dangerous
Stick to the buddy system…having a friend close by is helpful. Stay alert when a bully is near.
Try to ignore the bully. Talking back can sometimes create more conflict. Walk away.
Don’t spread rumors about others. It is not wise to even repeat unkind words said about others.
Don’t believe the negative things a bully says.
Work at appearing more confident…stand tall, look the bully in the eye, talk with a firm voice. When you look more confident, you’ll start to feel more confident.
Tell an adult…a teacher, parent, counselor, principal, or bus driver.
Let’s talk about BYSTANDERS.
If your child sees someone being bullied, talk to them about what they can do to be a helpful bystander. Helpful bystanders should:
Include the child being bullied in an activity. Invite the victim to play at recess or sit with you on the bus or at lunch.
Be a good helper by talking and listening.
Stick up for the victim. Show your support by saying something to the bully or by telling an adult.
Don’t laugh at the bully or victim. Communicate with your child that if he/she cheers on, laughs at or encourages a bully, he/she becomes a bully too.
Encourage your child to follow The Golden Rule…Treat Others the Way You Want to be Treated.