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Child Study Process

Elementary Student Assistance Program-E.S.A.P.




The E.S.A.P. team consists of the school nurse, school counselor, teachers, administration, and ESAP behavioral health liaison.


What is E.S.A.P.?

A team of staff that are put together to help students with any problems they are encountering that is affecting their academic progress

These problems could be:




Recommendations are made by the team to the family of the student.




How E.S.A.P. happens? 


·      Referrals are made to the E.S.A.P. team

·      The referral is discussed by the team

·      The students teachers are asked to fill out checklists

·      After all information is gathered, the parents are contacted.

o  Information is gathered from the parents

o  Team recommendations are given to the parents

o  Parents/guardians decide whether to continue with E.S.A.P

·      Students that voluntarily participate in E.S.A.P. are continued to be monitored throughout the school year.



Who can make a referral to the E.S.A.P. team?


All referrals are looked at and discussed by the team



How do I make a referral?

Call the school counselor

Fill out a referral form and turn it into the office

Contact any team member


Helpful Links:


PA Official SAP website


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